
To write or not to write?

Well here is the thing. There is an AMAZING caligraphy kit for sale at Barnes and Nobel. Now I am being told that this could be a good Idea for a birthday present. The real question here is can I wait over 2 months to use this? I am going to take a shot in the dark and say no I cant lol. I mean common this is me we are talking about ..... Yeah its not looking so well on the waiting , but I will TRY :) By the way, for anyone out there thinking " there is no such thing as trying... only doing" :P is all I have to say to you ( you know who you are)



"Indifference is the strongest force in the universe. It makes everything it touches meaningless. Love and hate don't stand a chance against it."

Well fair warning now, if you are reading this for an uplifting experience, I suggest refreshing your page and moving on. I am so bone tired of trusting people, caring about people or trying to love people. It often seems like not only do they not try to really know you. They dont care who or what you are. If you have the misfortune of being unique, you will find it is one of the worst feelings on earth.
Never let anyone see what is really important to you, the will use it against you. When you let someone close to you, even for a moment... well you are opening yourself up for pain. When someone forces you to their opinion, way of life, or actions. You have just witnessed the tyranny that is a very present force in our society. The sad truth being that no one is going to help you will become apparent. The stronger force is always going to win. Depend on other people at your own risk. . . where there is happiness, others will see sadness. NO one can make a blind person understand color. I hate you. If I could I would never speak to you, talk to you, or be near you again. If I ever loved you its long gone. If I have ever cared about you, you have helped me to never feel that way again. Your not perfect. Your not better than me. YOU WILL NOT BREAK ME DOWN. If you die alone, it will be because of how you lived.


Test Day

Well this was definitely an experience, I went into the MATC this morning to take the admissions test. I was SOOO nervous . I am glad to report however that I passed, only missing 3 questions out of a hundred . :) HURRAY FOR ME


Another Quote

"Never allow someone to become your priority, while you remain their opition" Unknown

A Gaelic blessing

May the blessing of Light be on you
light without and light within
May the blessed sunlight shine on you
and warm your heart till it glows likea great peat fire,
so that the stranger may come and warm himself at it,
and also a friend
And may the light shine out of the two eyes of you,
like a candle set in two windows of a house,
bidding the wanderer to come in out of the storm.
And may the blessing of the Rain be on you -the soft sweet rain.
May it fall upon your spirit so that all the little flowers may spring up,
and shed their sweetness on the air.
And may the blessing of the Great Rains be on you,
may they beat upon your spirit and wash it fair and clean,
and leave there many a shining pool where the blue of heaven shines,
and sometimes a star.
And may the blessing of the Earth be on you
the great round earth
may you ever have a kindly greeting for them you pass as you're going along the roads.
May the earth be soft under you when you rest upon it,
tired at the end of the day,
and may it rest easy over you when at the last,
you layout under it
May it rest so lightly over you,
that your soul may be out from under it quickly
and up, and off
and on its way to God.

3rd Times the Charm?

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” Unknown.

Well here we go for a third try at blogging. It has been a really long year, but the beauty of it being 2010 is that we can just ignore 2009 :) I will be doing that for the life of this blog. New years was a great night :) friends and good news what more could you ask for? I am not sure what the direction of my blog is going to be this go around. I will again always have a quote that I have liked at the head of my posts. I absolutely love quotes :) if anyone has good ones I have not read let me know :) I am also looking for pictures including hearts in any form ( p.s. the first person that sends an actual organ is going to be in trouble) so help me out if you find anything unique.
I am going in to take the admissions test to the MATC ( Mountainland Applied Technology College) I am hoping to be in the spring semester for cosmetology. This will be a 2000 hour course and take a year :) wish me luck, I am going to need it !!!
I am convinced for certain reasons :) that tomorrow will definitely be a better day than today, and that this is a new trend. I am also convinced that thinking it will be better is what will make the difference :)